Readers share

I’ve been collecting stories my whole life.  For me, the richness of life lies beneath our exteriors.  Our stories.

I love when I have the opportunity to laugh or cry alongside someone when they share their heart. I feel stories changing the fabric of my own life and learn more about life and living through their sharing than I could ever hope to learn on my own.

The more I’ve talked with people in workshops, the more I’ve come to know that almost everyone has a food memory, favorite recipe, or funny anecdotal story related to food from their past. Not surprisingly, I’ve heard a lot of stories about bread.

In one of my workshops, a woman told us about her parents who had passed down a tradition of kissing stale bread before throwing it away. In the long ago past, her ancestors had known the value of bread during gratitude-is-the-hearts-memorytimes when there was little else to eat.

Kissing bread was their way to remember to be grateful. 

“I stopped kissing bread a few years ago,” she confided, “when a friend of mine saw me and questioned me about it.  I suddenly felt silly.”

“But…” she added in quietly, “sometimes when there’s no-one else around….”

I’ll share some of my family stories and recipes from time to time but I’d love to hear your stories and learn about your favorite recipes, too.  We can learn so much from each other; more than we could ever learn on our own.

Don’t be shy! Whether you have a story or a recipe, please share it with us in the comment section below!


3 thoughts on “Readers share

  1. Perhaps it was the unevenness of the floors in the homes in the city of Rochester where I grew up, but no baking ever went into the oven of my grandmothers house, my family home and occasionally my current living space(depending on the challenge of the item about to be baked) with out the sign of the cross being bestowed upon it.

  2. Mary,
    We make Rosemary Cashews…
    I would love to share the recipe. It’s made with maple syrup.
    We’ve gotten so we pick our fresh rosemary.
    It calls for corn syrup and brown sugar also, and we’re going to try it with honey to replace some of the corn syrup! The original recipe came from our cookbook from Dick’s Nuts. He is a graphic artist and creator of his delicious recipes, and we met him while vending at craft shoes.

    • I’d love to try them over the holidays. We’ve got plenty of maple syrup and rosemary. Let me know how the honey substitution goes because we don’t generally have corn syrup in the house (except when we need a batch of those Rice Krispie peanut butter chocolate treats!!)

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